The Commonwealth, and each state and territory have different legislation and compensation systems, it is important a specialist litigator, explains the system running in the jurisdiction where you are making the claim. Depending on the jurisdiction, if you qualify, you may be able to make both a ‘Statutory Scheme‘ claim and a separate ‘Common Law‘ claim – or you may be able to make either a ‘Common Law‘ claim but not a ‘Statutory Scheme‘ claim – or vice versa. You can find out the differences between ‘Statutory Scheme‘ and ‘Common Law‘ claims by clicking [here].
Please read: The Bernie Banton website provides the listed contact details and website links in good faith, for assistance only. We do not, and cannot vouch for the authenticity of the information, or the quality or availability of the services and/or, products offered by the listed government authorities. It is recommended you satisfy yourself of the suitability of the information, services and/or products offered before relying on any such information, service and/or products. The site Disclaimer can be read by clicking [here].
Commonwealth Government
- Comcare
Toll Free: 1300 366 979 or (02) 6276 0333
State & Territory Governments
Australian Capital Territory
- ACT Insurance Authority
Default Insurance Fund
Toll Free: 13 22 81 or (02) 6207 5111
New South Wales
- Dust Diseases Authority
icare dust diseases care
Toll Free: 1800 550 027
Northern Territory
- NT WorkSafe
Workers’ Compensation
Toll Free: 1800 250 713
- WorkCover Queensland
Workers’ Compensation Scheme
Toll Free: 1300 362 128
South Australia
- WorkSafe Tasmania
Asbestos Compensation Scheme
Toll Free: 1300 366 322
- WorkSafe Victoria
Toll Free: 1800 136 089
Western Australia
- WorkCover WA
Toll Free: 1300 794 744